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    Lost Islamic History | Firas Alkhateeb - Resim 1
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Lost Islamic History - Firas Alkhateeb

Ürün Adı:Lost Islamic History 
Üretici Firma:C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd 
7.2 / 10 |Oy: 17 |Yorum: 1

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İslam has been one of the most powerful religious, social, and political forces in history. Over the last 1400 years, from origins in Arabia, a succession of Muslim polities and later empires expanded to control territories and peoples that ultimately stretched from southern France, to East Africa to South East Asia. Yet many of the contributions of Muslim thinkers, scientists, and theologians, not to mention rulers, statesmen and soldiers, have been occluded. This book rescues from oblivion and neglect some of these personalities and institutions while offering the reader a new narrative of this lost Islamic history. The Umayyads, Abbasids, and Ottomans feature in the story, as do Muslim Spain, the savannah kingdoms of West Africa and the Mughal Empire, along with the later European colonisation of Muslim lands and the development of modern nation-states in the Muslim world. Throughout, the impact of Islamic belief on scientific advancement, social structures, and cultural development is given due prominence, and the text is complemented by portraits of key personalities, inventions and little known historical nuggets. The history of Islam and of the world's Muslims brings together diverse peoples, geographies, and states, all interwoven into one narrative that begins with Muhammad and continues to this day.

Detay Bilgileri
İlgili Din Adıİslamiyet
Basım Tarihi2014
YazarFiras Alkhateeb
Sayfa Sayısı256
Kağıt2. Hamur Kağıt
Basım Yeriİngiltere
Baskı Sayısı1
Ebatlar (YxG)14x20 cm
Isbn No9781849043977

Benzer Ürünler

İslam Tarihi 3 | Osmanlı Devleti | Nuri Ünlüİslam Tarihi 3 | Osmanlı Devleti | Nuri Ünlü
Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Vakfı
Kıyamet Gerçekliği | Murat UhraoğluKıyamet Gerçekliği | Murat Uhraoğlu
Gece Kitaplığı
Hz. Ali | Dört Halife'yi Farklı Okumak 4 | Mehmet AzimliHz. Ali | Dört Halife'yi Farklı Okumak 4 | Mehmet Azimli
Ankara Okulu Yayınları
İslami Mücadelede İmtihan | Abdullah Yusufoğluİslami Mücadelede İmtihan | Abdullah Yusufoğlu
Çıra Yayınları
Muhassal | İsmail Hakkı İzmirliMuhassal | İsmail Hakkı İzmirli
Ötüken Neşriyat
Kerbela (Kader ve Bela) | Adnan DemircanKerbela (Kader ve Bela) | Adnan Demircan
Beyan Yayınları
Nübüvvet Kervanı Peygamberler Tarihi | Abdullah YusufoğluNübüvvet Kervanı Peygamberler Tarihi | Abdullah Yusufoğlu
Çıra Yayınları
Anadolu'da İslam Ruhu | Vatan ve Millet Oluşumu | Ercan YıldırımAnadolu'da İslam Ruhu | Vatan ve Millet Oluşumu | Ercan Yıldırım
Dergah Yayınları
İslam Tarihinde İlk İktidar Mücadelesi | Cem Zorluİslam Tarihinde İlk İktidar Mücadelesi | Cem Zorlu
İz Yayıncılık

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