High Five! TASCHEN's regular Illustration Now! series brings you the latest, groundbreaking work from the world's most exciting illustrators. A stimulating mix of established master draftsmen and neophytes, working in a vast range of techniques, this Illustration Now! Vol. 5 features 150 illustrators from over 30 countries, including illustration duo Craig&Carl, reportage artist Sue Coe, upcoming Agata Nowicka, old masters James McMullan and Syrian artist Youssef Abdelke. The spread includes personal work, as well as high-profile projects for clients such as Nike, The New Yorker, Harper's Bazar, The New York Time Magazine or Time magazine. Looking back at the history of media, the book's introduction from Steven Heller explores the many styles of illustration. It is a perfect round-up of illustration's here-and-now for graphic artists, creative professionals and illustration students, but also for anyone with an appreciation of draftsmanship and visual language.